Chris, Marie and are in the midst of the JUNE CHALLENGE.
Game is tick off items on list, 10 points for each, minus 50 if you eat McDonalds and person with biggest total wins... Items include:
1. Give Blood
2. Get Blood Test
3. Go up Mt Albert
4. Horse Riding on the beach
5. Bake something new
6. Eat a Brussel Sprout
7. Try new quiz night
8. Dance to music
9. Watch A-Team
10. Drink at Molten
11. Donate clothes
12. Mission Bay Walk
13. Game air hockey
14. Clean bathroom
15. Go for bikeride
16. Make something crafty
17. Volunteer somewhere
18. Don't eat McDonalds
19. Make dessert
20. Reconnect with a facebook friend
21. Watch game at pub
22. Try new fruit
23. Eat KFC
24. Buy comic
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined! and SMILE :)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Dance class
Wow haven't written for ages... lots happening and part hibernating... so on mish to complete V's list and try new things... today was Burlesque Dance class with KB. Wsa pretty unco and was def harder than I thought...
Got given voucher for my bday last year and only just redeemed... was fun. Have also made list with Chris and Marie to complete in June... :)
Got given voucher for my bday last year and only just redeemed... was fun. Have also made list with Chris and Marie to complete in June... :)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
V's Plan
Keen to try some new things and V came up with a plan for me... have to report back in two weeks.
Plan is...
1. Learn to dance. Try Rock n Roll or something fun – it’s such a good skill to pull out on the dance floor
2. Get a fitness buddy (boy or girl)
3. Go to craft classes
4. Start Zumba – I’ve heard it’s awesome
5. Volunteer at SPCA
Plan is...
1. Learn to dance. Try Rock n Roll or something fun – it’s such a good skill to pull out on the dance floor
2. Get a fitness buddy (boy or girl)
3. Go to craft classes
4. Start Zumba – I’ve heard it’s awesome
5. Volunteer at SPCA
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Recent highlights
Another busy week, highlights since I wrote last...
1. Mum and Dad had 35th wedding anniversary (10 May) - Nice effort
2. Caught up with Renae from VEM - was 7 years since I saw her - great to catch up and laugh over old times
3. Watched The Bloom Brothers and Nine curled up on couch at home
4. Spending time with Gran/Mum on Mothers Day - baked almond hearts with Mum and gave to Rob from her 3 other kids :)
5. Open Souls at twentyone - cool gig
6. Saw Cori Gonzalez and Jimeoin as part of comedy festival
7. Had great chats to V online - have a Nicky plan- stay tuned for more details.
8. Decided want to see Sarah Laurie to help work out what else I want in life.
NG :)
1. Mum and Dad had 35th wedding anniversary (10 May) - Nice effort
2. Caught up with Renae from VEM - was 7 years since I saw her - great to catch up and laugh over old times
3. Watched The Bloom Brothers and Nine curled up on couch at home
4. Spending time with Gran/Mum on Mothers Day - baked almond hearts with Mum and gave to Rob from her 3 other kids :)
5. Open Souls at twentyone - cool gig
6. Saw Cori Gonzalez and Jimeoin as part of comedy festival
7. Had great chats to V online - have a Nicky plan- stay tuned for more details.
8. Decided want to see Sarah Laurie to help work out what else I want in life.
NG :)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Air hockey
B and I went and played air hockey for our meeting yesterday - we both needed some stress relief, a laugh and some fun. Was heaps of fun and keen to do again soon... when it all gets to much (work and its been tough) just step aside and play some air hockey - thats my strategy at the mo.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Nerd Herd vs the Snob Mob
Funny - talking about school groups yesterday at work and flashed back to the NERD HERD. If memory serves me right... we were the girls at intermediate who wore our bike helmets to school at the start of Form 1. I think new laws had just passed - wasn't compulsory but reccomended. The girls/friends who didn't formed the SNOB MOB and the names stuck for intermediate. Going to put a call out to the school friends and see what they say/remember. Will also put up good pick when go home of the group with hair poof's etc... :)
Iron Man 2
Sunday - saw Iron Man 1 in Dubai and just watched 2 with Mark and Chris at Sylvia Park - loved it. Am easy to please with the whole super hero/comic hero movies - by default been sucked into world with boys, but also love movies from events perspective/big budgets/special effects etc..
Friday, April 30, 2010
It's Feijoa Season! Yay - what I love about Feijoas.
1. Taste, byselves with a bit of sugar.
2. Picking them off Nana's tree
3. 42 Below Feijoa Vodka
4. Rush Munro Feijoa Ice Cream
1. Taste, byselves with a bit of sugar.
2. Picking them off Nana's tree
3. 42 Below Feijoa Vodka
4. Rush Munro Feijoa Ice Cream
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Have had so many ideas of things to write about lately but no time/when get home knackered so thought I would write quick list to help prompt me for laters...
1. Good friends
2. Inspired by others, Kat, Mike and Mad
3. Gossip Girl
4. Sola Rosa, BSM, Anna Coddington, Open Souls and more...
5. Balance
6. Update on challenge...
7. Vivace
8. Leadership
9. Love
10. Babies
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Another week down...
Work is taking over my life at mo... lots of good things but I need a bit of balance going on... anyway since I wrote last fav moments include:
1. Playing catch ups on Gossip Girl
2. Catching up with CPG at Burger Wisconsin
3. Drinks with Kylie at Cloak Room and chatting about great things in life :)
4. Climbed over Maungatautari with Mark and Jodi - 3 and 1/2 hrs - hard, and now sore but good fun! (sneakers very muddy)
5. Finished Girl with Hidden Dragon Tatoo then saw the movie
6. Met potential interior designer that is hoping to do Trecarne
7. Getting brief from Mum and Dad re. what expectations are re. ID and what they want ( so funny - had tears in my eyes)
8. Visiting gran at oakdale, playing catch ups late night on her bed, so could of fallen asleep after hard walk
9. Feijoas are back! Have a whole bucket.
10. Meeting new people ;)
K am fading - over and out. NG :)
1. Playing catch ups on Gossip Girl
2. Catching up with CPG at Burger Wisconsin
3. Drinks with Kylie at Cloak Room and chatting about great things in life :)
4. Climbed over Maungatautari with Mark and Jodi - 3 and 1/2 hrs - hard, and now sore but good fun! (sneakers very muddy)
5. Finished Girl with Hidden Dragon Tatoo then saw the movie
6. Met potential interior designer that is hoping to do Trecarne
7. Getting brief from Mum and Dad re. what expectations are re. ID and what they want ( so funny - had tears in my eyes)
8. Visiting gran at oakdale, playing catch ups late night on her bed, so could of fallen asleep after hard walk
9. Feijoas are back! Have a whole bucket.
10. Meeting new people ;)
K am fading - over and out. NG :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Groan - another late night at work and missed my Wednesday night training - dulp (fat and unfit) not helping the cause. (I am going to have to climb mt eden about a dozen times in one day to make up my 21 in 21 days). Anyways when I got asked what wanted to do for training before i knew it wasn't going to happen, but in the midst of another crazy day - hydrosliding - popped into my mind.
Used to love Te Rapa pools and frequented on a few birthdays with friends and fam when younger. Last time I hit hydroslide was at Marriot in Gold Coast with Fife and Manda 2006/7 for New Years - weird looks from kids when in line, but sooooo much fun - even tho it was super fast. (question tho- was it std speed, or now older did it just seem faster?)
Actually another flash back - last slide was the Jumeriah Scariah in Dubai - OMG scary! Walking up took ages (back stretcher positiioned nearby), went so fast, and screamed so loud - lost my bikini top, undies went up my bum - and I can safely say I will never do that again! Still glad to say I did though :) Not best pic but gives you idea-ish :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
UGG Boots
I want UGG boots this year, but have no idea if they are worthy, that cool or just nice to have when hanging out at home over winter. Hmmm might have to go try some on.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Another week that was...
Another busy week, especially at work, great to have a full on weekend though and totally remove self from it all... weekend was great because...
1. Went kayaking with Mark on lake, nice to be back on water, been ages, was hard but enjoyed.
2. Went out in the tron for girls night out, V8's was on and mission was to find a bogan with a holden ute - ha hah not really but was the standard joke. Fun night out with Kel, Fife, Kylie and Cath for predrinks and then dancing.
3. Managed to get lots of home grown goodies from home, Dad, Kel and I dug up kumaras, potatoes and pumpkin - YUM!
4. Went to Warriors vs Panthers - love going to league games, sooo much fun, just bum we lost.
5. Loving my book at mo, girl with hidden tattoo, trying to power read through as quickly as possible.
So on that note, over and out. NG :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Life is...
...a journey and not a destination!
Sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses!
Michelle Meiland Rose - Nana's favourite
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I love...
I love the cool hunter - so many great ideas and always get lost looking at cool funky stuff!
Monday, April 12, 2010
The week that was...
So last week came and went and I wasn't so good on the updates.
Highlights and goss from the week that was:
1. Move went well, although there are so many rooms and windows in house, will take while to get used to.
2. 21 day plan, week one: Diet 4 out of 7 days (57% - still pass plus lost 1 kg - better than nothing), also climbed mt eden 5 of 7 days and will make up others, so pretty and good to clear head watching sunrise.
3. Got to help tweak colours on tower other night, parked up eating my McD's - hmmm not good diet day.
4. Had bike lessons with Jodi - learnt turning corners and cadence - quite good, cornwall park is so pretty especially on sunny Autumn Sunday morning.
5. Caught up with Liz, Regan and Trace Sat night and checked out some of my new locals in the village, Mulberry and Molten - very cool/cute and will be visited again.
6. Am rocking out a new (well have had before but not for while) haircut, darker and shorter - looking for lots more change moving forward
7. Was another big work week so crammed in visit home to the bridge, was great to see Mum, Dad and Gran and Rob - do some baking and sit in sun on deck - must do again soon.
8. Hmmm can't think of much more but I can't end on an uneven no. it's a thing I have - will write about it one day. Ha ha...
OK me over and out. NG :)
Highlights and goss from the week that was:
1. Move went well, although there are so many rooms and windows in house, will take while to get used to.
2. 21 day plan, week one: Diet 4 out of 7 days (57% - still pass plus lost 1 kg - better than nothing), also climbed mt eden 5 of 7 days and will make up others, so pretty and good to clear head watching sunrise.
3. Got to help tweak colours on tower other night, parked up eating my McD's - hmmm not good diet day.
4. Had bike lessons with Jodi - learnt turning corners and cadence - quite good, cornwall park is so pretty especially on sunny Autumn Sunday morning.
5. Caught up with Liz, Regan and Trace Sat night and checked out some of my new locals in the village, Mulberry and Molten - very cool/cute and will be visited again.
6. Am rocking out a new (well have had before but not for while) haircut, darker and shorter - looking for lots more change moving forward
7. Was another big work week so crammed in visit home to the bridge, was great to see Mum, Dad and Gran and Rob - do some baking and sit in sun on deck - must do again soon.
8. Hmmm can't think of much more but I can't end on an uneven no. it's a thing I have - will write about it one day. Ha ha...
OK me over and out. NG :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Friends and super heros
I'm really lucky to have some great friends and Manda is one of those - wanted to do a shout out to her today as we caught up yesterday on Skype. As always it was inspiring, fun, funny and great to play catch ups. We've done lots of fun things together and after her learning that I'm blogging and me finding this picture recently I thought I would share the time... we got dressed up as superheros in a Gold Coast shop for fun in our early 20's. Lame you may think - but we have had lots of laughs over the years about this one. Heh heh... this ones for you Manda :)
Monday, April 5, 2010
Day 1 of 21
Day one - tick :) YAY - 20 to go, imagine next few days going to be hard especially with work in the mix. Saw Stace today and she did in Jan and grumpiness is envitable with low calories... dulp. To keep me motivated am going to put out there where I am so can track progress... not something I want to admit but currently am as follows: 73kg, Arms: 33, Waist: 78, Hips: 104, Thigh: 60. Aim for 21 days is to hit 70kg. 1 kg/week here we come. On another note bought new kitchen scales today - they are electric and also do the tempertaure - very cool. NG :)
Saturday, April 3, 2010
April - 3 Goals
Was inspired at the mount last week when out walking and decided to come up with 3 goals for April. To start tomorrow (Monday) after Easter so can take few days to veg before big April challenge...
Big three are:
1. Do the Australian Womens Weekly 21 Day Diet
2. Climb Mt Eden 21 times during 21 day Diet.
3. Only buy things I really need (during 21 days)
Boxing and Beauty Pagents
Had two firsts this week, went to my first proper boxing event - Tua vs Friday and beauty pagent - Miss World - New Zealand. Was fun to do both and check out a couple of different events. Boxing was my fav - loved the hype and was cool as we did the weigh in at work day before.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Check this website out...; has some very cool items for sale, from funky art, to cool jewellry, bags, stickers, clothing etc etc.... going to put the above on my birthday list and keep looking for other things I may want.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saw BOY last night, another very cool NZ movie out there - I liked it and if you get chance - go see it :) For more info see...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Extreme boogey boarding...
Just had another great weekend at the Mount with Kylie and Trace and we went extreme boogey boarding :) heh heh.... hmmm wasn't as extreme as the pic, actually waves were pretty small but it was heaps of fun.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hmmm yum - went to Gina's with fam for Mark's bday. Fun loud italian restuarant in Newton, would def reccomend if you haven't been.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
You can tell you are getting old/are older when...
playing on a school playground is really hard/impossible.
Mark and I had our weekly Wednesday night training session which this week included sprints at local school, push ups, triceps, star jumps, sit ups etc... and strength testing on the playground - bars etc... Long story short I have no upper body strength, swinging on bars was really really hard. Groan - must see if I can improve :)
Mark and I had our weekly Wednesday night training session which this week included sprints at local school, push ups, triceps, star jumps, sit ups etc... and strength testing on the playground - bars etc... Long story short I have no upper body strength, swinging on bars was really really hard. Groan - must see if I can improve :)
Work free...
So yesterday I signed new contract for exciting new role, have been in a version of it for last four months but now it's all official, exciting and little bit scary. Lots of fun challenges ahead and its going to be busy busy... am pretty lucky cause I get to do a job I love and its an amazing opportunity.
However it's really important to me that I have work life balance, work hard and kick ass when I am there but walk away and have life outside. That's why this blog is going to be work free! (and or here is my disclaimer if I do have something fun to share it will be past tense:)
However it's really important to me that I have work life balance, work hard and kick ass when I am there but walk away and have life outside. That's why this blog is going to be work free! (and or here is my disclaimer if I do have something fun to share it will be past tense:)
Things that make me smile and laugh...
There are lots of things that make me smile and laugh... so this may be part of a series. The other day Grace told me about 'Toilet Tennis' and shared with Fife who also found very funny.
So the story goes... girl sitting on toilet in bar, back of stall says... 'Have you played toliet tennis? if no, look left', So she looks left, sign there says 'look right' and then she looks right, sign says... 'look left' and so it goes on.
While trying to find cool pic to go with funny story, found ski toilet - also very cool :)
So the story goes... girl sitting on toilet in bar, back of stall says... 'Have you played toliet tennis? if no, look left', So she looks left, sign there says 'look right' and then she looks right, sign says... 'look left' and so it goes on.
While trying to find cool pic to go with funny story, found ski toilet - also very cool :)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sub ride...
So yesterday, Donna and I tacked the 35km sub ride at home, (bit naughty cause we had always talked about doing the 58km one) - whoops. Regardless was fun ride, especially as its our norm training circuit and good to push and learn to ride in bunches and pass them :) heh heh. DG text before, apparently I got 11th in my group and she got 17th - ha funny, actually not sure how many people entered but there were heaps older than me kicking my ass. Need to find other cool event to train for now :)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
New place to crash...
Yay - have found somewhere new to live, moving from our cool funky shoe box in Ponsonby to this cute bungalow in Mt Eden. Going to miss my old hood but new place is very nice, is close to the village, has lots more room with bonus features such as sunroom, seperate dining and cool larder. Few pics below...
Friday, March 19, 2010
Catch ups...
I am so behind blogging this week so will summarize so far and look at top ten highlights....
1. I have a new follower - yay - thanks Nads :) heh heh...
2. Found cool website for tshirts...
3. Got offered amazing work opportunity - currently investigating options
4. Caught up with Kylie H/T who haven't seen in ages and now planning fun boozey wkd at Mount with girls
5. Go Girls is back on tele
6. Got back and shoulder massage from East Day Spa
7. Booked and organised day off next week - first day in ages - yay
8. Great chat to Sarah online, heard from Kristy, went running with Mark, great pizza/mousse with Chris
9. Inspired to investigate guest lecturering/well think about/where would I find time?
10. Found out my tax isn't going to be as scary as I thought = phew!
Bring on weekend. me xox
1. I have a new follower - yay - thanks Nads :) heh heh...
2. Found cool website for tshirts...
3. Got offered amazing work opportunity - currently investigating options
4. Caught up with Kylie H/T who haven't seen in ages and now planning fun boozey wkd at Mount with girls
5. Go Girls is back on tele
6. Got back and shoulder massage from East Day Spa
7. Booked and organised day off next week - first day in ages - yay
8. Great chat to Sarah online, heard from Kristy, went running with Mark, great pizza/mousse with Chris
9. Inspired to investigate guest lecturering/well think about/where would I find time?
10. Found out my tax isn't going to be as scary as I thought = phew!
Bring on weekend. me xox
Monday, March 15, 2010
Lady Gaga
Went to Lady Gaga with Kel and friends, was fun and a wicked show! From an event perspective I loved it, heaps going on, great effects, amazing costumes and dancing and very theatrical. Had great video I wanted to add, but it won't save - so here is a shot of one of her amazing costumes. :)
Went to Lady Gaga with Kel and friends, was fun and a wicked show! From an event perspective I loved it, heaps going on, great effects, amazing costumes and dancing and very theatrical. Had great video I wanted to add, but it won't save - so here is a shot of one of her amazing costumes. :)
Easter craft
This one is for Saturday...
Growing up I remember two family traditions at Easter - one is Nana gave us Cadbury button eggs that smelled/tasted like moth balls. The other was each year Mum bought out the same felt chickens that had caramello eggs stuffed into them for us 3 kids. I found mine again recently and decided to make some for friends and fam. They are a new and improved version and between mum and I, am sure we can churn heaps out before easter :)
Growing up I remember two family traditions at Easter - one is Nana gave us Cadbury button eggs that smelled/tasted like moth balls. The other was each year Mum bought out the same felt chickens that had caramello eggs stuffed into them for us 3 kids. I found mine again recently and decided to make some for friends and fam. They are a new and improved version and between mum and I, am sure we can churn heaps out before easter :)
Bikram - 30 day challenge
Playing catch ups since I have been away... last week I came up with a short term challenge that will help me lose weight, focus my attention away from work and give me some me time - which I am needing at mo... plus I could walk out looking amazing. The 30 day challenge is 90 mins each day of bikram (yoga in sauna) - a challenge begins early April... going on Wednesday night to see if I like and am up for it :)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Giggle Box
B was talking today about a great client she has and how she always saves his emails in her giggle box. I love that and think idea is very cool - we should treasure the things that make us laugh and save them for days when we need. I am going to start one... :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I love LOST - watched them all, and so into final series - excited but sad its nearly finished. Ok it's just started so need to go :)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Yesterday was my Nana's birthday - the second since she passed away :( so sad.... but lots of good memories. Love this pic of her and trixie (who's now in doggy heaven) sitting on the steps of Trecarne. Thinking of you Nana, miss you and love you lots. me xox
Monday, March 8, 2010
I need a new handbag!
When I moved to the UK I had a rule that I was allowed to buy a bag in each country I went too... and needless to say I have some beautfiul bags, my favourite being from italy, france, thailand, spain, australia and the UK.
My last bag got soaked on the back of a harley davidson in pouring rain while driving to a Brisbane vineyard.
I have always wanted a saben bag... maybe its my time :) Sooo many options... which one to pick - first time in ages going to go Black, now decisions decisions re style.
The above is quite cute... feel like I need more time to think about what I really want.
Check out the rest of their range...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Oucha the Edgecliffe Lady
This painting is on my list to buy - Chelle, Joel and Nat were telling me about this painting on the side of the street in Edgecliffe the summer I lived in Sydney and worked in Balmain. I didn't realise it was so close to my home in Rose Bay. The painter Bruno Dutot sneaks out in middle of night and changes it from time to time. I just need to work out how to pay him in cash when I live here, get it painted, sent back, what colour I want, I quite like her in white and how big - I want big - but maybe small enough to get on plane. For more info check out...
Friday, March 5, 2010
My fav jewelry at mo...

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hmmmm Chocolate Hersheys Pie...

Yum, just had a chocolate hersheys pie - and naughty because I am supposed to be eating healthy (and following a blood type diet - will chat about that another day). But it's been a big week, 5 events, work crazy, big boozey night on Mon, went to Top Gear and off to wedding tomorrow for weekend.
So after such a big week felt like I deserved a chocolate hersheys pie! YUM :)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Playing catch ups while away - this was for Wednesday and my star sign for the day which I quite liked and thought I would share...
'A change of perception can change your reality and quite
often that comes down to a choice.Look at where you may have prejudged or already decided
how you should feel about something and see how that's working for you.If you're not getting what you want from love and life,
look at where are change of mind might help.'
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Something to think about...

So I picked up this book at the airport today and although I haven't seen the movie, I believe books find you and I am already wondering if there are a few messages in the first few chapters.
The first is that I think I need a new adventure/challenge!
I'm not intending on cooking my way through the cookbook "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" but I do need some serious out there challenge that is a bit crazy, lots of fun and will be a great accomplishment at the end of it all.
The second point which may relate to the first, is that Julie wrote a blog about her adventure/challenge and as I am new to this whole new blog thing and not really sure how it works or why I am doing, maybe I can relate the two.
Hmmm something to think about...
Monday, February 8, 2010

Off to Christchurch tomorrow and can't wait, haven't had a holiday in ages, get to see fam in Cust, sleep, rest, relax and ride my bike which has already been taken down.
The purpose of the whole trip though is to support my bro Mark, who is competing in the one day Coast to Coast. The event is 243km in total and consists of running, biking and kayaking, distances and map below - it is pretty hardcore.
This event has always been on my to do list but life would have to change pretty significantly for that to happen - just happy with going down to crew for the mo :).
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Trying something new...

So I'm always keen to try something new... and had my first Burlesque dancing lesson this weekend. Although Kel has tried to get me to go before, a hens party and few glasses of champagne got me strutting my stuff... heh heh. Was heaps of fun, and although I thought I was doing okay... not looking forward to the video. Looking sexy and cheeky is bit hard when you can't stop smiling and or concentrating on the moves so hard :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010
2010 - A new year, a new decade and a new beginning.
An old school friend and her blog has inspired me to start one too... as a first time blogger I'm not really sure what it all means but am keen to check it out!
I'm pretty good at having an opinion with a positive twist :), so stay tuned for the next instalment, a cool background and pic's once I have worked out how to do.
Me xox
An old school friend and her blog has inspired me to start one too... as a first time blogger I'm not really sure what it all means but am keen to check it out!
I'm pretty good at having an opinion with a positive twist :), so stay tuned for the next instalment, a cool background and pic's once I have worked out how to do.
Me xox
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